Quiz time
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Water lovers quiz will test your knowledge and love for waters. It will test how much you know about the sea,river, lakes, technical, funstuff & facts.

The purpose of this quiz is to get more engaged and provide you with some interesting things which i realized a lot of people had no idea about. This one was a random sequence chosen to give you a hint of how this is going to be like. If you like these quiz then please share it.

W L Quiz 15

Which fish gives electric shock?
How is the pandemic affected our environment?
When is the international ocean day?
W L Quiz 15
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Forest Fires & Trees Quiz

Where is the biggest forest fire of the beginning of 2020?
Who started the fires in the amazon rain forest ?
Which of the following tree's wood water used in the ship building process in the olden days?
What percent of water covers the earth?
Which of the following is the biggest forest & was on fire last year in 2019?
Forest Fires & Trees Quiz
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WL Quiz 14

What is Water also known as ?
What is a Blue Whale ?
What is this water creature ?
Where do duck billed platypus live?
What do ducks nearby the lakes feed on?
WL Quiz 14
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WL Quiz 13

How Long is RMS Queen Mary 2?
Which is the present port of registry for this ocean liner?
Can we travel to Australia from Southampton?
What is RMS Queen Mary 2 ?
What is the name of the person who designed RMS Queen Mary 2 ?
WL Quiz 13
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WL Quiz 12

Who built RMS Mauretania ship?
What does RMS stands for in a ship ?
Which route did it take
How long was RMS Mauretania?
Who launched Mauretania?
WL Quiz 12
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Test your ocean and surrounding nature skills
What is Phytoplankton?
Which Plant grows under warm shallow water
Which of this is a type of bird?
What are Halophytes?
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WL Quiz 10

Which is the following penguin type ?
This bird catches fish when its wings are opened like an umbrella, What is its name?
Which fish is this that lays as many as million eggs ?
Which bird travels all the way from Artic to Antarctic & enjoys two summers?
Which fish is more transparent and doesn't have tail fin ?
WL Quiz 10
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WL Quiz 9

Is wearing a life jacket for a skilled swimmer a better idea when lost at sea?
Which is the most popular river in the United Kingdom?
Which fish has a horn like unicorn?
Which flippered animal with two teeth like an elephant tusk lives in Cold regions of Subarctic?
Where do polar bears live ?
WL Quiz 9
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water lovers quiz 8

Which city in Japan is also known as the water city?
Who built the first submarine that could navigate?
One poisonous fish that is a Japanese Delicacy?
Which variety of crabs grow upto 12 feet?
Which island did Columbus landed his voyage?
Which other name is associated with Orca?
Which Process is known to remove salt from the water (desalinate)?
water lovers quiz 8
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Weekly quiz 7

Which is the biggest shipping graveyard in the world?
Which of these is a crab?
Which fish is often well known for omega 3 and its oil?
Weekly quiz 7
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Water lovers quiz 6

Why does a boat need foam?
Which island is most remote and not allowed to visit by anyone?
What are brine pools?
Which ancient civilisation is associated with advanced technology but drowned under the ocean?
Which ocean mythical creature was most talked about in the last 3 decades?
Water lovers quiz 6
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Water lovers quiz 4

Which part of the ocean has mysteries surrounding it other than bermuda traingle?
Which creature of the water is called an escape artist?
Which submarine was commissioned on this day 30 september
Who got the deepest free dive record?
Water lovers quiz 4
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Water lovers Quiz 3

Some more interesting facts this week! have a nice week ahead:)
Which place has recently added surfing as the official state sport on Monday the 20th August 2018?
What is the term used for a person who drives a boat ?
Who has equivalent powers as a captain on a ship ?
Who is a yacht master?
What day is considered as the national light house day in USA?
Which of these is the picture of a canal?
What is a GPS?
Which term or cry is used to draw attention of a ship?
Where did the recent scallop war took place between british and french ships?
Which is the second longest river in the world?
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Water lovers Quiz 3
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Water lovers quiz 2

Which is most popular water sport till date?
how deep is the deepest part of our ocean when compared to these tall structures upside down?
Mountain Everest
mount killimanjaro
The Sea queen dolphin
deepest exploration of 10994 SW of guam island
How much is the most expensive yacht ever built for?
At what age can you get a boat license in California as of now in 2018?
Can you travel the world by a motor boat ?
Which is water slalom skiing?
water skiing
Which is the fastest swimming fish?
sail fish
flying fish
What is the fastest speed of boat ever recorded?
who is the most popular surfer in the world in 2018?
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Water lovers quiz 2
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Do not forget to give some suggestions

Please give me some ideas and suggestions on more interesting quizzes. You can email us (info@destinedto.com) some questions if you want me to ask our readers. Let’s find out how many of us know about the water side life.

Water lovers quiz

How much plastics ends up in the ocean every year?
plastic waste
Which one is turtle?
Which crab is widely eaten in South east asia?
Can these prawns be found in a lake
prawns sea or lake
Sea shells were used as what purpose in the 1980's and 1990's more popularly? (It is not very popular today)
seashell article
Which frog is poisonous ?
Which of these is Carp fish?
Which one is a real oyster?
Which is anchor?
Where did Titanic ship sail from ?
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Water lovers quiz
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We used to play some amazing quizzes as a young child but in a couple of years a whole fun of quizzes have just taken a halt. I decided to do this so I can recreate the same fun we had as kids. I try to make it as informative as possible.

It’s the first time i am posting this quiz here so if there’s a mistake then please overlook it. 🙂

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As I always say in my articles, that if you like my article then please share it.  Also, if you have a question and you want me to get an answer from some fishing boat pros then email me at the same email. Also if you comment then please write which country you are from and I will try to thank you in your language 🙂

I love to learn different languages. I try but it doesn’t always work well.

If you want us to ask some thing interesting to our readers then please send us your suggestions via email – info@destinedto.com.



NOAA website