What is Shale and how is it related to fracking? Shale is a mud that turned into a hard rock. Hydraulic fracturing which is also know as Fracking. There’s two ways of saying it. One says its a good thinking but many of us are saying it is not a good thing. Why it is not a good thing is …
Drinking water hacks during a long journey that actually works
While you are out and about on a long journey the main thing you need to think of how you can reach your destination safely? Second thing you think is energy that is sustenance. In short food and water. Of course hygiene is the key for your survival as well especially if you are on a water for a long …
49 Pink Lakes are discovered around the world till now
Pink Lakes are pretty fascinating to see. Not because they appear mysteriously poisonous or like boiling water. It may seem like a lake on some alien planet to some of us. There are a lot of explanations given on the colour of such lakes.So, the question: ‘how many pink lakes are there around the world?’ made me think. Hence, I …
Surprising International Shipping & Green House Gases Facts
International Shipping & Green House Gases are closely related in terms of increasing the global temperatures. Since, here I am writing about global shipping hence more emphasis is laid upon this aspect which contributes to green house gas emissions largely. What is a Green House Gas (GHG)? Green House Gases are simply gases that protect earth from extreme temperatures by …
21 Best Ways The Ocean Plastic Waste Is Now Used From Our Water Ways
Along with the harmful chemical and oil spills, we have plastic pollution. The biggest contributors are plastic bottles and plastic carry bags. Difference in figures on ocean plastic waste The figures on ocean plastic waste differ with every source. This could be due to the ever-increasing numbers and evaluation time. For the closest figures, to give an idea of the …
11 Best Gadgets for water lovers
The 11 Best Gadget list have been collated in accordance of the likes, comments and also if they relate to water lovers. There are few which are not as important and compared to others but its nice if you have them for a change. Satellite phones Anemometer Jetboard Subblue Fast Find Personal Locator Garmin Quatix 5 3D illusion Night vision …
15 Super Scary Water Dinosaurs From Pre Historic Era
Water dinosaurs were really fascinating sea creatures that will make you imagine the period in which they lived. These dinosaurs and water reptiles were monstrous looking existed millions of years ago. Many of them do belong to the same family of reptiles. They adapted themselves and lived until they became victim of major extinction of these creatures due to the …
How Flood Water Can Cause Less Damage- Find Out?
Floods are natural disasters, which have increased over the years along with earthquakes. Generally, both are those natural disasters that cause a humongous amount of casualties. Many of us do not know. Types of Flood Floods are of different types but we only know 2 which is one with Rainfall & second is Flash floods. As per the ‘National Weather service, …
How can hydropower generators save you tons of money?
From smallest to the largest, hydropower generators have one thing in common. This article will briefly show you different types and their functionalities. What can be the best method in the UK as a source of electricity in households? Since the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland falls in high winds, rainstorms and cold climate, it can use …
How can you stop polluting water while travelling by sea?
Water pollution as you may know can be stopped by certain habits that we can put into practice. You would really want to know this right! You may think you are doing enough to save the environment. Being a boat or a yacht owner you may not know how much more you can do to stop polluting water while traveling …