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Kohinoor vs Cullinan diamond which is more popular?

In big diamonds, blood diamonds, Cullinan diamond, Kohinoor diamond, Real Diamonds by Maz

Who wins the title of the biggest diamond in the world? None of them can win the title of the biggest diamond title in the world. Sergio is the biggest diamond found that outweighs them, having 3167 carats and the Cullinan diamond was 3,106.75 carats. Kohinoor diamond is nowhere close to these two. Kohinoor weighed 190.3 metric carats on its …

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3 Most common camouflage methods used by these sea creatures

In bioluminescence, fish finders, save the planet, sea creatures, Summer planning by Maz

Camouflage mechanism in sea creatures is quite common. The most known sea creatures that are brilliant at faking are as follows:- Stone fish Flounder Octopus Predatory frog fish Ghost pipe fish Pygmy sea horse Coleman shrimp Crinoid shrimp Crocodile fish Leafy sea dragon Spider crabs (decorator crabs) Marine hatchetfish (bioluminescent) Cuttle fish (chameleons of the sea -bioluminescent *) Scorpion fish …

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Is the Supersonic speed of underwater vehicles a reality?

In Travel, travelling, Water Technology by Maz

Undoubtedly there are underwater supersonic vehicles present. However, they are not precisely vehicles that carry passengers.We may come across missiles that some nations test around the world. However, there has been no news release related to supersonic passenger underwater vehicles. There are no known underwater passenger vehicles that can travel supersonic speed. The speed at which a submarine would go …

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How does Bycatch reduction work & what is its progress?

In Bycatch, eco friendly, fishing boats, international Shipping, long distance travel by sea, river boats, save the planet, water conservation, Water crisis, Water Technology by Maz

To know how the bycatch reduction process works, it is crucial to know what bycatch is. It is also worth knowing the impact it creates on the ecosystem. This particular action leads to a series of problems, one of which is the reduction of endangered marine creatures that become entangled in the fishing net. What is bycatch in the fishing …

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How is water a commodity & traded in the market?

In drowning, eco friendly, monsoon, save the planet, unavoidable, water conservation, Water crisis, Water Technology by Maz

As we all are aware that water scarcity is not an alienated topic. We all seem to be slowing off and being busy with our day to day life. We are concentrating on these things but on the other hand, the picture is different. By this, we mean that the betting on water scarcity has started already for California. The …

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Sunken ships of the old (many of them had treasures & stories)

In Summer planning by Maz

The list below are some of the most known sunken ships found on the internet However, not all may have sunk with the treasure that you may think of. There are also those that have been historically significant for the countries it belonged to. It is also noted that there are some ships misunderstood as 2 different ones due to …

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Bioluminescence Story & history from a different perspective

In bioluminescence, Entertainment, save the planet, Summer planning, Water Technology by Maz

Bioluminescence is a type of light that occurs due to the chemical reaction in any organism’s body. Glowing creatures have been a topic of fascination for many. As kids, we were quite fascinated by the creatures (fishes) under the ocean floor that emits light. They are also known as fishes with disco lights. We already know of the bioluminescent being …